West Elementary
Holland, MI
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to West's Parent Teacher Conference scheduling system. Once you have scheduled a time for your conference you will receive a confirmation email. Thank you

You will be asked to select the event and then enter your names and email. The system will then send you a link to choose your appointment time(s). From that link you may add or change times.

Mrs. Baker - Preschool ESCE
Mrs. Elizalde - Preschool ASD
Mrs. Groenheide - Preschool ASD
Mrs. Osziova - Preschool DHH
Mrs. Sowa - Preschool ESCE
Miss Walters - Preschool DHH
Mrs. Dekker - Kindergarten
Mrs. Forbes - Kindergarten
Mrs. Porretta - Transitional Kindergarten
Mrs. Taylor-Smith - Kindergarten
Miss Boeve - 1st grade
Mrs. Koessel - 1st grade
Mrs. LePard - 1st grade
Mrs. Kempf - 2nd grade
Mrs. Kuiper - 2nd grade
Mrs. Sietsema - 2nd grade
Mrs. Kooyer - 3rd grade
Mrs. Marko - 3rd grade
Mrs. Smith - 3rd grade
Mrs. Chamness - 4th grade
Mrs. Ruhf - 4th grade
Mrs. Hildebrand - 5th grade
Mrs. Stenman - 5th grade
Mrs. Witters - 5th grade
Mrs. Casey - ASD Teacher
Mrs. Deenik - DHH Teacher
Ms. DuFresne - ASD Teacher
Mrs. Ferguson - ASD Teacher
Mrs. Klein - Specials Teacher TK-1st Gr
Mrs. Krauss - ASD Teacher
Miss Ruggles - DHH Teacher
Mrs. Sneller - ASD Teacher
Mrs. Jacobusse - Art Teacher
Mrs. Johns - STEM Teacher
Mr. LeFebre - Physical Education Teacher
Miss Merrill - Music Teacher