Elida High School
Elida, OH
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to the Elida High School Parent-Teacher conference scheduling system for Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday, February 13th. Please select the teacher(s) you would like to schedule a conference with from the options below.

While you may select multiple teachers to schedule conferences, please be aware that each timeslot chosen will be with ONE teacher, as we are unable to schedule meetings as a group.

You will be asked to select the event and then enter your names and email. The system will then send you a link to choose your appointment time(s). From that link you may add or change times.

Albright, Hollie (Art)
Allen, Devon (Intervention)
Amspoker, Amy (Science)
Amstutz, Matt (Industrial Technology)
Benroth, Nikki (Intervention)
Bolden-Tubbs, Monique (English)
Callahan, Mollie (English)
Cox, Jason (Math)
Dobie, Dustin (English)
Etzkorn, Andy (English)
Fersch, Steve (Social Studies)
Glenn, Katie (English/Yearbook)
Harmon, Kyle (Physical Education)
Heilman, Shelby (Science)
Horn, Bryan (Spanish)
Jones, Kelley (Resource Room)
Kahle, Amy (Social Studies)
Kellermeyer, Bill (Social Studies)
Larimore, Keisha (Family Consumer Sci)
Lichty, Jennifer (Math)
Lombardo, Taylor (Vocal Music)
Mason, Jessica (Math)
Mault, Thomas (Intervention)
Meyer, Kyle (Math)
Miller, Jeanne (Math)
Montel, Olivia (Science)
Morris, Melody (Science)
Oen, Mitchell (VoAg)
Parent, Michael (Instrumental Music)
Rackley, Britney (Social Studies)
Selhorst, Jason (Social Studies)
Suter, Mark (Computer Science)
Tabler, Matt (EOS, PE, Health)
Thomas, Jeff (Social Studies)
Waldschmidt, Emma (Science)
Weger, Tom (Math Intervention)
Weiland, Tori (Spanish)
Whittaker, Quinn (Latin)
Wiss, Elisha (Intervention)
Woolbright, Angela (Health)
Worley, Krissa (English)
Zickafoose, Grace (Math)